Kapuso tween star Elmo Magalona is currently at no. 1 of Candy Cuties 2011

Following Elmo in the partial tally for Candy Cuties 2011 is Good Vibes star Sam Concepcion. Controversial Mara Clara star, Albie Casiño, ranks 3rd.

Here are the current Top 10 based only on online votes (text votes are not yet included):
1. Elmo Magalona
2. Sam Concepcion
3. Albie Casiño
4. James Reid
5. Robi Domingo
6. Jake Vargas
7. Derrick Monasterio
8. Joshua Dionisio
9. Enrique Gil
10. Anjo Damiles

Last week’s Top 10:
1. Elmo Magalona
2. Sam Concepcion
3. Albie Casiño
4. James Reid
5. Robi Domingo
6. Jake Vargas
7. Derrick Monasterio
8. Enrique Gil
9. Joshua Dionisio
10. Anjo Damiles
Voting for Candy Cuties 2011 is still ongoing. There are two ways to cast your vote: online at www.candymag.com/candycuties and through text: CANDY CUTIES VOTE to 2640 which is equal to 5 votes.
Last year’s Candy Cutie was StarStruck alum Enzo Pineda. This year’s winner will be covering the Candy Cuties Special! issue in October.